Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Kitchen Dresser

Below is my china teamugs and tea tins in their hanger on the wall for everyday use

Here is my cluttered Kitchen Dresser, complete with "tea making' corner

My plan is to paint the backboards of the dresser a pale pink, to take away some of the dullness.
My pink roses china should really stand out then.

It is going to rain for the next week so I will have to wait for some fine weather.


  1. Hi Delcie,

    so nice of you to visit... I love your blog ... its quite lovely ... and all your vintage goodies...

    In answer to your question ... yes... we host our own tea party.... Vanessa is a sweet heart... and you will love being a part of it...

    I do hope you will join us...


  2. Hi Delcia

    Goodness, what a beautiful collection of goodies, displayed beautifully!

    I've enjoyed my visit here
    Gail xx

  3. Hi Delcia

    Thank sfor popping over, loving your huge collection of tea tins, you have to keep popping back to my boutique as I will be starting to get rid of mine, I'm trying to cut down the, I think that would be beautiful painted pink at the back to give a nice fresh look and yes as you said to make your tea sets stand out....gee you must be getting more rain than what I'm getting here, the last 2 days it's only rained in the morning here, then dried up for the rest of the day....I'm also loving your china teamugs collection, thats so cute the wall hanger have you thought about painting that? It would fab in a white or a vanilla ice cream colour....then your mugs would really stand out there!!! once again thanks popping over, and I cant wait to come back to see the pink on your kitchen unit. See you soon.


  4. Hi delcia, Thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment. I love your tea mug collection. Im a new follower and will be back to visit.
